Title | Ars Vitraria Experimentalis, Oder Vollkommene Glasmacher-Kunst, Lehrende, Als in einem, aus unbetrüglicher Erfahrung, herfliessendem Commentario, über [...] Anthonii Neri, von Florentz, und [...], Christophori Merretti [...]. Die allerkurtz-bündigsten Man |
Author | Kunckel, Joh. |
Edition | 3rd Edition |
Published | Christoph Riegel Norimbergae 1744 |
Description | 3 Vols. In One ; VI- 472-X (Index) . PP.Fine author's portrait Frontispice, and 20 full page copper engravings, giving tools, workshops etc. etc. Here the3- Rd German Edition of A. Neri L'arte vetraria distinta in libri VIII' (1612). A classic book on glass-making, describing the discovery of ruby glass and the invention of a glass-blowing table with double bellows. " Kunckel is a more important figure in the history of chemistry than seems generally realized." (Duveen) See at length; Duveen p.328; Partington II pp. 368-371; Norman 1244; Wellcome III p. 419. Modern boards with artificial leather spine. Some browning thoughout. Engravings in slightly weak impressions, but still an attractive, scarce work on the art of glassmaking. |
Book condition | Good |
Jacket condition | No Jacket |
Binding | Hardcover |
Book size | Roy. 8Vo. |
Price | 1340 |
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